Welcome To Pretoria East Toastmasters!

You have arrived at the right place to learn more about Toastmasters!
We are people from all different walks of life, ages and backgrounds. Most of us start out terrified of any public speaking, some need help with a special event or struggle when having to do any presentations, and as for the rest of us, well, we are trying to release our inner leaders and motivators!
Toastmasters started in 1924 in Illinois, when Ralph Smedley saw a need to help young men in the community speak, conduct meetings, work on committees and to lead. The concept proved so popular that women were also encouraged to join and the organisation continued to expand over 143 countries with the establishment of 16 600 clubs serving more than 357 000 members.
As a worldwide organisation with a huge network of interactive clubs, members are always ready to welcome any visitors, local or international, to share ideas, to learn and to teach in a fun atmosphere and at the same time, create a warm social environment for like minded people.