Author Archives: Jurie Weidemann
Education is not the whole key
Several activists and leaders have often cited that education is the key to success, with Mandela the figure head for his rendition of this sentiment on 16th July 2003, when he said, “Education is the most powerful part of that … Continue reading
How to conclude your speech
Public speaking can be daunting for most people. However, knowing how to structure your speech can help ease the nerves. The beginning and conclusion of your speech are important as they’re a great opportunity to set the tone and leave … Continue reading
Pretoria East Toastmasters Christmas Ghost Evening
Our annual Christmas Ghost competition evening was a great success last night! We had a great social event with three completely different and most entertaining ghost stories which contributed to a lively competition. We had visiting Toastmasters from a sister … Continue reading
Pretoria East Club Meeting “The One Thing That Changed Everything”
This was the theme of our meeting on 27 November 2019 and it certainly gives food for thought. We had a lot of contributions to this theme involving food which had been tried by our participants, and who vowed never … Continue reading
Toastmasters Pretoria East 20th Birthday Bash Meeting!! 25-09-2019
Our meeting on 25 September was combined with our 20th birthday celebrations! 25 members and guests joined us for the evening with a wonderful half hour recess in the middle during which we could enjoy celebratory chocolate ganache and carrot … Continue reading
‘Life Long Learning’
A vibrant and interesting meeting once again, on the 18th September 2019, with a variety of topics coming to the fore through speeches, Table topics and Introduction of members. We had 20 people at the meeting with a lot of … Continue reading
Awaken the Giant Within
28 August 2019 Another fun and informative evening enjoyed by all 17 guests and members in attendance. Karen Erasmus chaired our member introduction with the theme ‘Awaken the Giant Within’ and we were all encouraged to share our personal giants … Continue reading
Toastmasters, contest time approaching!
Calling all members!!! Hone your speaking skills and start to prepare for our club contest in October. Humorous and Table Topics categories are waiting for you, so start preparing to win! Keep an eye on our events calendar.
Training session – Wow!
All toastmaster clubs have a committee made up of volunteer members and we, Pretoria East, had our committee member training session on Saturday. Wow what an education! I never realised that, by joining Toastmasters, I would be exposed to, and … Continue reading
Last night at the meeting
Toastmasters is not only about giving speeches and talking, but we certainly need to think on our feet as well. All skills in this regard were called upon last night as we arrived to find a foreign group of people … Continue reading