28 August 2019
Another fun and informative evening enjoyed by all 17 guests and members in attendance.
Karen Erasmus chaired our member introduction with the theme ‘Awaken the Giant Within’ and we were all encouraged to share our personal giants and how this would impact on our futures.
The impromptu speaking section, Table Topics, was chaired by Alec Maskrey and it certainly had a twist! Four members were called up at random and had to sit in front of the lectern on four chairs. They were asked to close their eyes and listen to the sound of the aircraft in which they were travelling as it developed a mechanical problem – in fact it was revealed that the wing had fallen off! Each member was assigned one role: a philanthropist, a professor with a cancer cure, a war veteran who had saved a town and a child whose parents had been killed in front of her. They then had to convince all the other passengers that the one parachute on board, should be theirs, as their life was the most worthy of saving. What an ‘off the cuff’ task to accomplish in the allotted 2 minutes, some with hilarious results! Brilliantly chaired by Alec and eloquently evaluated by Stirling Gapara during the evaluation section.
We had three great speakers, all at different levels of experience, and topics ranged from ‘Personalised Nutrition’ to ‘A Strong Start’ about foetal alcoholism. So a very interesting segment of the evening indeed.
Karen Erasmus was the General Evaluator, covering the whole meeting. This was her first attempt at the role which she handled with confidence, sharing constructive observations and tips.
Niel Malan was the ‘glue’ and stepped in at the last minute as our very experienced Toastmaster, keeping all the various segments running smoothly after each other once again.
Our two lovely ‘Wooden Spooners’, mum and daughter Karen and Lene Erasmus, kept us in giggles as they explained and filled their roles with a few faux pas along the way!!
Looking forward to our next meeting!