Last night at the meeting

Toastmasters is not only about giving speeches and talking, but we certainly need to think on our feet as well. All skills in this regard were called upon last night as we arrived to find a foreign group of people happily ensconced in our usual venue! Amazingly we all managed to relocate and find each other, and our guests, in the alternate hall nestled in the furthest extremities of the church complex. Everyone jumped in to help and we eventually started only 7 minutes late settling in to enjoy a great interactive meeting!.

Great to see we had several guests joining us, and one visiting Toastmaster from Uganda resulting in all seats occupied! After initial introductions we headed into Table Topics (quick impromptu speeches) and then to four very different levels of prepared speeches including two Icebreaker (first) speeches of a very high standard which set the pace. A brief interruption ensued when one member arrived late, understandably so considering all the venue confusion, and he found himself on the wrong side of a fingerprint recognition keypad and consequently locked out! Tea and coffee recess, although short, was a great time to mingle, catch up and try to locate the restrooms set in the wings on either side of an enormous stage!

Evaluations and award presentations for well deserving participants ended the meeting on a good note and many people made time to linger and chat afterwards.

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