Toastmasters Pretoria East 20th Birthday Bash Meeting!! 25-09-2019

Our meeting on 25 September was combined with our 20th birthday celebrations!

25 members and guests joined us for the evening with a wonderful half hour recess in the middle during which we could enjoy celebratory chocolate ganache and carrot cake, pizza, coffee and tea and great conversation! (Please go to our gallery for the photos!)

After the introduction of our guests, Marina ran the Table Topics or impromptu speech session. Our random participants had to speak ‘off the cuff’ for one to two minutes about their thoughts and conversation relating to a  mystery guest who was revealed to them in a picture. They could not let the audience know who the guest was until the end of the session. The three mystery diners, who were actually attending a dinner table in the pictures, were revealed as:  a giraffe, a horse and a baboon!

We had three speeches as well, two Icebreaker or first speeches and a more advanced speech so an interesting variety of experience and topics.

Our grammarian introduced the word ‘credence‘ with an explanation and examples and encouraged us to use this throughout the meeting wherever possible. This certainly helps to open our minds and increase variety in our use of the English language.

The timekeeper and ah counter kept us all on time and very aware and conscious of our ‘word whiskers’!

A very special note goes to our long standing and extremely competent member and present Treasurer, Niel Malan, who has achieved the highest award as a Distinguished Toastmaster!! Congratulations Niel!!!    We all know how much dedication and hard work has gone into reaching this level and we appreciate your help as we each strive to attain this goal as well.

Our Humorous and Evaluation competitions are coming up soon in October so we are looking forward to a busy few weeks ahead!

Well, this ends our meeting summary so am signing off until our next meeting on 9 October. Usual venue and time as outlined in our events and calendar pages. Looking forward to welcoming you there!!!


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